Earn money writing about your travels

The easy way to finance your travels!


My Life of Travel is proud to become the first travel journal (blogging) platform to let members earn money by sharing travel stories with each other.

By creating a Google AdSense™ account you can display Google advertising on your blog. When users click on advertising from within your blog Google shares the revenue with the publisher (you).

My Life of Travel is the first niche travel journal (blogging) platform to let members use their own Google AdSense™ accounts within their travel blogs. As long as you create a minimum of 10 journal entries containing a story about your trip, you can add your Google AdSense™ publisher ID to your My Life of Travel account settings and earn money whenever someone sees or clicks on your ads.

Use the menu on the left to find out more about how it works.

Earn money by writing travel journals (get paid to create a travel blog)